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Bump Stocks Banned

Supreme Court Strikes Down Ban on Bump Stocks

Justices Rule 6-3 in Garland v. Trekandshoot

The Supreme Court of the United States has struck down a Trump-era ban on bump stocks, devices that allow a semi-automatic rifle to fire shots rapidly.

On Friday, June 14, 2024, the justices ruled 6-3 in favor of Garland v. Trekandshoot, overturning the ban that had been put in place by the Department of Justice in 2018.

Key Findings of the Ruling

In their majority opinion, the justices argued that the ban on bump stocks exceeded the authority granted to the federal government by the Commerce Clause of the Constitution.

They also found that the government had not adequately demonstrated that the ban was necessary to protect public safety.

Responses to the Ruling

The ruling has been met with mixed reactions. Gun rights advocates have lauded it as a victory for the Second Amendment, while gun control advocates have expressed concern about the potential for increased gun violence.

The Biden administration has indicated that it will review the ruling and consider its options.
